Life on a distant planet with her archeologist husband is not all that Rachael Murray had hoped it would be. With two small children, a busy husband, and neighbors she's not sure she wants to meet, Rachael feels homesick and neglected. But if she opens herself up to the possibilities, she may find more to love in her new home that she ever imagined.
I hope you enjoy "Sacred Places." I would love to hear your thoughts about the story. Oh, and a big congratulations to this year's Irreantum Fiction Contest winners!
Congrats, Angie! I shall have to look it up when chipmunks are abed. :D
Wonderful story! I loved the drama and the sci fi atmosphere. And I didn't like that man Issac at all!! (If I have a strong reaction to a character, then it means you wrote that character well!)
Great stroy Ang! You really are gifted!
Ah, the land of the free!
You have the right to free speech as long as you speak English.
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