Suzette at Shooting Stars awarded my the One Lovely Blog Award. I would award her the One Lovely Person award. Thanks, Suzette! So now I'd like to pass the award along to the following blogs:
Windy Apahayrath's Like the Weather
Dellgirl's At the Starting Gate
The Beastmaster's My Brood of Wild Beasts (Don't let the name fool ya.)
Author, Flutist, Teacher Aubrie Dionne
and Linz's Every Day is Special (Not a writing blog, but lovely nonetheless)
Dellgirl's At the Starting Gate
The Beastmaster's My Brood of Wild Beasts (Don't let the name fool ya.)
Author, Flutist, Teacher Aubrie Dionne
and Linz's Every Day is Special (Not a writing blog, but lovely nonetheless)
Thanks so much, Angie!
Thanks so much Angie! I'll be awarding my fellow bloggers and passing it around tomorrow.
Why thank you! Yours is a lovely blog! (And you can link to mine if you want to!)
Aha! I figured it out! I'm a little slow sometimes.
Thanks so much...now, to pass it on...
Congrats Angie!
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