I took an unexpected two day vacation from the internet when a lightning storm knocked out both our ISPs radio tower and fried the network card in our server. (Okay, the only reason I understand any of that is thanks to my computer genius husband.) It wasn't so bad actually. It made me realize just how trivial most of my email is. It's good to be back, though.
I am also back in business with my novel. I got a few new ideas that pumped some new life into the story. I haven't been much better on actual writing this week, but I hope that will pass and I'll get my momentum back. Until next time, happy writing!
I know just what you mean about "realizing just how trivial most of my email is"...and, a lot of the other things I do on the computer also. There is nothing like being forced to do without the computer to make me see "I CAN" do without it. The thing is, I don't want to.
Glad you made it back before too long, though.
Have a nice weekend.
Oops, I forgot! Congratulations on getting back to your novel, that's cause to celebrate. It's really great when the momentum gets going!
Happy writing.
Nice to have you back and good luck!
sometimes it's nice to take a "forced" break, because then you don't have to make the choice, and it's easier to get it out of your head...that's awesome that you have new ideas, hope it goes good for you.
(sorry, i'm a retard, i'm the one who deleted my original comment, i was trying to edit something i typed wrong)
It is amazing what we think we're "missing" and it's not all that much. Glad you're writing again though!
It is amazing what we think we're "missing" and it's not all that much. Glad you're writing again though!
welcome back comgrats on the new life for your novel & i love love love the lighting piture did i mention i LOVE IT
It is always painful for me when I can't be connected. >.< Yay for novel progress! I hope it goes well for you. :D
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