"Among the Silent Stars" first appeared in Amazing Journeys Magazine in March 2004. It also received First Honor in the Science Fiction Writers of Earth short story contest in 2002.
Readers had this to say:
"Among the Silent Stars" was a great crowning achievement to your magazine. This one pulled me in; I felt like I was right there with Manon and her grieving for Poppy and then her triumph. Good stuff.
"Among the Silent Stars" finished the issue with a bang. What a neat idea. Who would have thought a space colony would need protection from the government who sent them in the first place, that protection coming from an old man and a deaf girl?
Since I am not deaf, writing from a deaf perspective was a challenge. I did a lot of research to try and get it right. Manon is one of my favorite characters. I hope you enjoy "Among the Silent Stars." Feel free to comment here and let me know what you think.
This is one of THE BEST short stories I've ever read. It brought tears to me eyes. Poignant and thoughtful, every twist made it more special.
Thank you for sharing this with me!
Thanks, Aubrie. I appreciate that.
I love the premise of the story! The ending was very sweet. Thanks for sharing. :D
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