Success only flourishes in perseverance -- ceaseless, restless perseverance. --Baron Manfred Von Richtofen
Thursday, May 5, 2011
I'm Off!
I'm off to Boot Camp this morning. Five hour critique session with five of us and a professional author. This was such a valuable experience for me last year, I'm really looking forward to it.
Then Friday and Saturday is the Storymakers Conference. Can't wait to see some of my great writing friends!
Every time I look at that pic, I see the two dogtags making an A, so that it says "Bat Camp," the theme tune comes into my mind, and I want to say "Holy Scrawling Scriveners, Batman!"
It was wonderful to see you at storymakers, and we even got to chat a little! I haven't forgotten your great news, and still feel so glad for you. Congratulations, and have fun with the Out of This World Adventure. :)
Yea!! Have fun!
What a great writing weekend, enjoy!
have tons of fun
This sounds excellent - tell us all about it when you get back!
Have fun and learn lots!
Every time I look at that pic, I see the two dogtags making an A, so that it says "Bat Camp," the theme tune comes into my mind, and I want to say "Holy Scrawling Scriveners, Batman!"
That sounds wonderful. I'm so excited for you!
Have a Great time and I will be thinking of you! MOM & DAD
It sounds great--I hope you have fun! :)
Jealous! Have fun :)
Sounds like a lot of fun, enjoy yourself. Have a Happy Mother's Day!
I hope you're having a wonderful time. Can't wait to hear about it when you return.
Have fun, Angie! Tell me how Karen does! *Hugs*
YA Paranormal Romance Darkspell coming soon!
Thanks, everyone. I had a great time! Get ready for the contest tomorrow!
It was wonderful to see you at storymakers, and we even got to chat a little! I haven't forgotten your great news, and still feel so glad for you. Congratulations, and have fun with the Out of This World Adventure. :)
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