He said, "When I'm sitting where you are, then it will be awesome."
I told him he was wrong. Yes, it is awesome to have your book published. It is great to be able to go out and do signings and stuff. But finishing a novel at all is one awesome achievement! Heck, starting a novel at all is one awesome achievement!
So, published or not, be sure to give yourself credit for what you have accomplished.
Yesterday, I finished my third novel, Shattered Skies. I know there is more work ahead with revisions and such, but the story is out of my head and onto paper, and that feels absolutely wonderful! I think I get more satisfaction from finishing a project than from anything else I do. I'm going to reward myself with a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory caramel apple. Mmmmm. Heavenly!
I think no matter what happens with the book after this, the fact that I wrote it, I finished it, is something I can always be proud of.
Where do you find your greatest satisfaction from writing? (Not counting getting published.)
I am not so sure starting a novel is an awesome achievement. Finishing one cartainly is an accomplishment that can really motivate a writer to take the next step in the process.
Finishing is definitely more of an achievement than starting, but it does take a lot of courage to begin, too. At least for me. Thanks, Terry!
I'm with Terry on this one...though maybe it has to do with what we consider "starting a novel." Coming up with an idea for one? Coming up with the first line? First paragraph? First chapter?
Coming up with one chapter (or less), and then going no further, really doesn't equate to courage for me (unless they elect to give it to someone for an honest critique, I suppose).
But that could just be my theory...
im proud of you
When I'm in the midst of a scene, and I don't want to give up writing even when my timer goes off (I write better against a clock), or when my daughters get out of dance class, or when the dinner is burning . . .it's happened unfortunately. Basically, when my own story has me excited and on the edge of my seat . . .that's when it's the best.
However, those aren't every day moments.
Okay, guys. I concede. Starting a novel is not so much an accomplishment per se, but I do find satisfaction in doing it. Maybe that's because I have almost always finished what I started.=)Thanks for your thoughts!
Tiff, I love you!
Tyrean, I love those moments too. I wish they happened more often.
You are so right, Angie. And what a feeling it is to do that. Even when it's not your first book, it's still such a rush!
My greatest satisfaction is finishing whatever I'm working on, a story or a novella, or whatever, and knowing I've done the best possible job that I was capable of.
I'm glad you told him the truth! :o) And way to go on finishing a new book!!! My favorite sense of accomplishment comes from finishing a rough draft. Have a lovely week! <3
Oh, yes. It's always a rush! I love finishing best of all. Thanks, you guys.
You're right, Angie. I guess I should be happy to have finished two novels, even if I have no agent or publisher. And it was good experience. It's easy to despair when you get rejection after rejection. But I so enjoy writing... well most of the time. :) I fall in love with my characters and I think that's my favorite part.
Thanks, Amanda. I do know how easy it is to despair. I've been there many times. I love getting to know the characters too. =)
Yum on the apple!! :-) What a fun reward. For me, I think my enjoyment comes most when the writing is clean, and reads like a published novel, if you know what I mean. :-)
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