It's amazing to me how setting a firm goal and having a strong desire to achieve it can be so motivating. For the past couple of weeks, I had been floundering, trying to write with no ideas coming to me, wondering if this stupid book was any good at all. Then, I made up my mind. I public declared my intentions, and suddenly the ideas started flowing. I got excited about the book again. Making a commitment like that was really quite liberating.
That is the power of goals. Do you find your goals do the same for you?
That's great news, Angie! I'm going to try the same thing: set a goal and try to stick with it.
Maybe you can over achieve and get in a few extra pages!
Way to go Angie!! Yes, I find that if I have a clear goal in mind, and a clear reason to do it, I can do what it takes to achieve. Will power isn't enough. You have to have the "WHY" power!
Yay! Setting goals definitely helps me although sometimes I tend to set the bar too high and then fail.
It took me ten years to write my first novel - specifically because I never set goals and stuck to them. This next one I am holding myself to every goal I set. And in just a few months I have all the outlining done and I am ready to start my first draft. The power of goals is amazing! Way to go on reaching yours!
Sometimes goals help. Yet life forces me to be flexible with them. I'm doing NaNoWriMo next month. I'm hoping to make the word count goal... if a small child naps for me!
Word Count Wednesday on my blog has really helped me be more accountable, too. I'm so glad you participate in that! :)
I find public display of my goals to be useful in holding myself accountable. Congratulations on reaching your goals! Keep it up!
i'm big on setting goals, realistic ones at least. the only times it's been hard for me to meet self-imposed deadlines is when health issues come up, but i'm so with you on firm goals. so glad you've achieved yours (for now)! keep it up!
Awesome job!!! I love goals, as long as I make reasonable ones. Congrats on meeting your deadline!
Thanks, Mohamed! Good luck with your goal too.
Terry, I hope so. Extra would be great! =)
Christine, we definitely have to be flexible. That's something I'm working on right now. Good luck with NaNo! (And naps.)
Thank you, Julie. I'm glad to participate in it too. Accountability is a huge help.
Thanks, Todd. I always like to see how you're doing on your goals.
Thanks, Tyrean. Reasonable is very important!
Oh definitely. I make my friends berate me through email if I don't make my goals. Seems to work!
I love goals too! :D
Heck yeah! I canNOT write without goals. Otherwise I'm too easily distracted and stuff.
Congrats on reaching YOUR goals Angie!
Way to go! I like working from goals too.
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