Ink stains on all your clothes. (At least if you write by hand like me.)
Ink stains on your family's clothes, too.
Ink stains on the walls. (When you fail to notice your three-year-old sharpening a pen in the pencil sharpener right next to you.)
Other lost-track-of-the-three-year-old disasters (including, but not limited to, half an inch of water on the kitchen floor, a dozen broken eggs, toilet-flooding, etc.)
A tendency to space out in the middle of a conversation when a great plot point suddenly pops into your head.
Compulsive email checking.
Losing track of time and realizing you're ten minutes late for picking your kids up from school.
Accidentally posting on the wrong blog (like I just did).
Any others you can think of?
:) you make me smile! Give that 3 year old a big hug from me!
angie you just made my day with the accedently posting on the wrong blog i havent looked at your other blog yet and i wonderd why both blogs said occupational hazards
computer crashing can be a hazard
I'm such a dork! :p Computer crashing is a big one. Save, save, save should be our motto!
*LOL* I needed that laugh. Thank you! I space out more than I'll admit to. I'm good at faking that I'm listening when I'm rewriting my latest WIP in my head.
You're welcome. You made me laugh to, Christine. :)
HA!! Love it. Those are definitely some hazards, all right. heeheehee. ;)
Missing missing an exit on the highway because you're plotting in your head.
Getting odd looks at large family events when you show up and spend all your time working on your brand new manuscript(s) instead of interacting with everyone...
Thanks, Michelle.
That's so funny, Terry. I could see that happening to me.
Todd, yes. I have done that. Many times.
Sometimes I space out thinking in front of my kids and they think I'm upset, because I'm staring blankly.
LOL! I do the spaced out thing all the time.
So funny!
LOL - oh, I've been there, and still am. Spacing out in conversation thinking about a plot, kitchen disaster from kids while I'm writing . . . oh yeah. Plus the ink stains, and even permanent marker body paint by my daughters when they were really little.
Thanks for this fun post, Angie!
You're welcome, Tyrean. I'm always glad to know I'm not alone!
You hit the nail on the head with these two:
A tendency to space out in the middle of a conversation when a great plot point suddenly pops into your head.
Compulsive email checking.
ROFL!!! I can't think! I'm too busy laughing at your examples! Yep, being a writer is a hazardous occupation, that's for sure!
I didn't write all that much when the kids were very small, so I escaped most of these consequences, at least during those years. But I've noticed lately that I put off writing sometimes when I'm worried about being late for something, or not getting my son to bed at exactly nine p.m., or other "timely" consequences. I'm concerned that if I let myself use the thirty minutes here and 45 minutes there, that I'll immerse myself in the story so much that I'll forget the real world and we'll all suffer for it. I should try setting an alarm, I guess, to pull me out when it's time.
That can be a hazard, Melanie. Thanks for stopping by!
He He He! All of the above, esp. the "Holy Crap I was supposed to pick up the kids" moments. Writers are strange bunch, aren't we? lost in writing that you wait too long and have to RUN to the bathroom! lost in writing that it feels like 10 am and it is actually time to cook dinner!
...staring out the window for long periods of time!
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