I've received some feedback from a few readers of my latest novel. I'd thought I'd share their endorsements with you:
"Nice job. I really liked it. And I'm not just saying that because I'm your husband." --My Husband
"This book is awesome! And I'm not just saying that because you're my mom." --My Son
"It's really good. I loved the characters. It flows very well. I couldn't put it down. And I'm not just saying that because I'm your daddy. (And p.s. I liked the 'holy crap!' line.)" --My Dad
(Yeah, I like the "holy crap!" line too.)
Seriously, I do believe and cherish the praise and positive feedback from the people I love. Thanks, fam! You're the best!
Now, all you other beta readers--do your worst!
I just sent two books out to be looked over by people I don't know and it's so different because I care both more and less what they think than my family and close friends.
Though - I hope their opinions continue to count the most.
I can tell you have awesome fans.
Yay for positive feedback! I'd live in a bubble of positivity if it were possible. ;)
Family is wonderful, isn't it? Those blurbs belong on the back of the book!
I love the caveat's in each one. ;)
I'm super excited for you!
Love it! Where would we be without family support? What a blessing. Looking forward to hearing about your progress.
lol - So great that your family likes it. I can't even get my family to read my stuff. I look forward to reading it someday.
Oh, I can only hope to get blurbs half that good for my books. I don't actually let my family read them...
hahaha! Everyone needs some good cheerleaders in their corner!
I like any dad who enjoys a "holy crap" line. :)
I'll do my worst-- and my best. :) It's always great to have such supportive family!
Congrats on the rave reviews! (And I'm not just saying that because you're my friend.)
These blurbs are the best! What a cute post :)
Angie, that is awesome. I was totally giggling over your endorsements--those read a lot like my initial endorsements! You've got to get the positives coming in before the criticisms, yes? :D good stuff~
How sweet!!! You're family's support is priceless :)
LOL! My mom was shocked when she found out I could write. hee hee.
Love it! I always say I suspect any of my reviewers that I happen to feed on a regular basis. lol.
Haha love this. DO you think I can get a blurb from your Dad as well?
AWW! And YES now you need the worst!
Sweet post! Now, I have to read the rebellious one . . . catching up.
I hope you get some great feedback from your beta readers.
i love how al of them said im nor just saying that becuse im your husband or your daddy or becuse your my mom i cant wait to read it
I remember giving my niece, years ago, an earlier version of my debut novel Dead Frog on the Porch and she said: 'wow, you're like a real writer.' cool praise! enjoy yours!
That is cool, Jan. I am enjoying mine, too. I especially love it that my boys can read and enjoy my books now.
I don't know why more of those endorsements don't make it onto books. or maybe I just think they're great because my family is more like, "Yeah... pretty decent... when are you going to get a real job?" lol
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